Four Positive Affirmations for Your Intuitive Eating Journey


Hi guys!! Popping in with a guest post today because for the next couple weeks, I'll be in Japan with my mom! Follow my adventures on Instagram. While I'm gone, I have a few of my favorite dietitian bloggers popping in with some fresh inspiration. First up, the one and only Kylie Mitchell from Imma Eat That. We met years ago at Blog Brulee and have stayed in touch through a monthly intuitive eating focused mastermind group. She is so passionate about promoting healthy relationships with food and eating disorder recovery, and her blog is such an inspiration to me. Also, she recently announced she has a little intuitive eater on the way! Without further ado....

Hi! I’m so happy to be guest posting on Rachael’s blog while she’s on an epic adventure.  My name is Kylie and I run the blog immaEATthat.  Today I wanted to share 4 phrases that may have you rethinking your relationship with food, movement and your body.  Many of these phrases were helpful for me when I was letting go of my disordered eating and exercise habits.  For me, I would choose a positive affirmation/mantra to focus on each week, so when my mind was taking me down an unhealthful path I would repeat the phrase to help me focus on what I truly value.  Here are 4 of my favorites:


I hope one of these connects with you and can help you move forward on your intuitive eating + body kindness journey!